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Stop Underage Vaping

Our mission is to give adults the freedom of choice. America was founded on it & it's one of the most important principles that our country has. Every single adult in the United States of America deserves to make their own decisions, and we want to provide them with ways to safely step away from cigarettes. We understand that our products may, unfortunately, have a broader attraction & a stereotype to it, and for that reason, we have maintained a zero-tolerance policy for underage vaping.

We do our best to combat underage vaping and effectively keep our product offerings out of the hands of minors. DFW Discounts has undertaken several youth prevention initiatives:


  • Train our employees to properly check ID and how to look out for fakes

  • We make sure the products on our website follow labeling requirements on all packaging and marketing material as regulated by the FDA.

  • We will require an ID for order pick ups

  • Marketing Materials have necessary warning labels on them as regulated by the FDA.


We strongly believe in providing an alternative to adult smokers, while keeping these products out of the hands of minors. We will never sell or market to children – and pledge to continue our

commitment to going above and beyond what is required by law to deter underage use. We will continue to strengthen our existing underage prevention initiatives as the industry changes with time. The possibilities in the community we are creating are endless. We truly believe that vaping is a great alternative to smoking & we believe our products have a positive impact on adults' lives. Thank you again for being a part of our community. We are excited to be on this journey together!

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